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Messages posted by: Professor
Forum Index » Profile for Professor » Messages posted by Professor
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M. A R A G O N wrote:your ego is pitiful. your the kanye west of this game. Who are you to tell me what to do? you think your important or something, because you might possibly be good at a game with 10 people playing?
also, maybe i would have understood it if you typed it correctly. because this "no one even knew you were gone" is different then what you just said above.

No, it's exactly what I said. No one knew you were gone. You are insignificant. You are just retarded. As for the laughable slight about 10 people playing , yeah...too bad I was a triple champ when this game was as active as it's been in a long time. During my reign even the HOFers were stepping in the ring. Guys like Ashton, Unstoppable, Larry, Here to Fight, Nigel. You would know this but you are a bum on this game and run off when you get your ass kicked.
You always were retarded but I thought even you'd understand such a simple concept. No one gives a fuck about what you say. No one knew you had left, you were completely forgotten about and it appears we have the misfortune of your return. You are nothing in this game or community so don't bad talk people who are.
I've been top 5 since 08 kid. I play when I feel like it, it's always been that way. And your knowledge and skill of game nowhere near mine. Know your role and go back to your corner no one even knew you were gone.
M. A R A G O N wrote:professor cries no matter what mikkel does so his opinion pretty much means nothing.

Professor: Decorated OB champ, perennial top 3 fighter.
MARAGON: ....Wait who are you again?

Example of my current style. The "Facebook"

I poke the shit out of my opponent and laugh as he can do nothing to stop me. I can eat his punches while poking him and making him even more tired. Observe round 2. Boon is literally in the corner just beating the shit out of me with power. However, my little pokes leave his punch power in dire straits and I mantain a stamina advantage throughout the fight with the pokes.

Actually I noticed the punching power is decreasing along with stamina when you are getting hit. That on the otherhand is complete fucking bullshit. You can't counter for shit now. I wasn't even taking heavy damage. Im in the corner getting hit with a few shots, looking to fight out of the corner, defending mostly. His body is hurt a little so I go for a counter as he's getting aggressive, I land a 2 punch ducking right hand to the body and it does shit. I look up and my punching power is 10% after throwing about 3 or 4 punches in 20 seconds. Terrible.
I'd like to see slightly more stamina and less stamina recovery between roundsd. In the 12th round of any fight, stamina should be no higher than 60%. But the current system is ok by me. Its pretty realistic, and I have no problems maintaining good stamina for all 12.
I don't know about that. Stamina increased a lot during rounds. Almost 30 to 40 percent.
Mikkel wrote:Ok changed a few things

1) Punches are less powerful
2) Rounds are shorter
3) You lose stamina when hit

Aka the game is circa 2006. Got to do a few once I get a comp.
You idiots it was Mikkel's plan all along to destroy 2D. I've been saying this for years. He got all bitchy about no one playing 3D. He used to come online seeing like 5 or 6 2D players and then when everyone left started ranting how stupid everyone was for not playing 3D. Sometime after those episodes he began the new stamina change, despite pissing everyone off he was adamant that the bullshit change stuck. Then when people got used to that, he decided he needed something more outlandish and set the power so high that one punch would knock you down. This went on for months. As the p-base faded, bullshit change after bullshit change led to this event. Mikkell has won, but at what cost? No one here will support 3D, and soon those hours will just be cast off as a failure.
I am a little faggot that loves to suck John off.
Bahaha, poor john.
catfish2 wrote:i'd play if the game wasn't such a slugfest.

My sentiments exactly. This game really went down the shitter after the stamina change that made stamina have no effect on punch power. There's really no point of boxing anymore because the longer the fight drags on the more chance you have of getting caught. The game is strictly rock em sock em robots.
I remember back in 06, there was a mulitude of styles and players.

Ya had

1: Spam boxer- This fighter would spam light punches to win on points and try to survive at the end while regaining stamina. (Weedgrinder, Xtreme Skillz)
2: Spammer- This guy tried to rush you early and take you out, would struggle after stamina depleted. (Vargas, edder)
3: Slugger- This guy would throw devastating combinations and threaten to KO at any point in the fight. Was less effective in later rounds, but always dangerous. (Viper, Skillz, Sal)
4: Technical Boxer- This fighter would look to win rounds while looking to defend as much as possible. Big stamina advantage would lead to late TKOs or decision wins.(Me, Black Bear, Rocky, Captain, Larry)
5: Technical Slugger- This fighter would use pressure and heavy damage to wear an opponent out and TKO them. (Fatny, Reaper, Mike Tyson, Oscar, Catfish)
6: All Around- This fighter would box primarily with explosive combinations that threaten to KO. (HTF,Nigel, Yacoob)
7: Rope-A-Dope: Uncommon style that resorted to completely draining the opponent and then KOing them late. (African Assassin, UFC Sucks, tigeruppercut)

Current styles
1: Box and spam- Box until the opponent is hurt then spam(everyone)

I'll be an alternate in case of any no-shows.
Yeah, outside of StreetBully and Greg Haugen and maybe Ashton(I've fought him, he's pretty decent even when rusty) john isn't even close to the level of any of the HOFers.
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