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Messages posted by: Professor
Forum Index » Profile for Professor » Messages posted by Professor
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Well it makes no difference because if Mikkell doesnt intervene Squeezed will just purposefully getting himself kod by the winner. He doesnt want the belt but vactating takes too long.
no damnit, Squeezed made the match
Well one, ProfsBack is my main and my only main. The reason I don't fight on Professor is because I played when OB was not free. So it only had 60 fights. Hence "ProfsBack". And second, I mean I am tired of people going on alts and pretending to be new. Just they can beat you in a 4 round fight when you find out they are very skilled.
Reaper- P4P would be a stupid name considering there is no weight classes.

Rocky Marciano- It's unbelievable how much of a dick you are. You go bragging about beating some lame alt and beccoming a paper champ who didnt even have a defense. And you go posting one your alts on the up and comers list like you didnt know who he is. People like you are one of the reasons I'm contemplating quitting this game.

LOL, at Reaper, Bear had the fight won.
Right in the middle of a title fight. lol
Right in the middle of a title fight rofl.
Yep, it felt so good to know I can throw one punch and beat someone on this game. It gives hope to my friend who was crap at this game and quit.

Beaten with a jab..>_>;;.....ONLY a jab.
I'll join Rising Star then.
Alright I'll sign up as a veteran. I guess I better get the rust off then. For this little tourney.
Yeah but Lerry do you really think that's fair. I mean the older fights got in easy. Yeah there were greates but has anyone thought that it was a simplified game back then. There are much more moves and different styles then there was back then. It proves by the simple fact that guys like Labratory and even Sal as good as he was good never really become elite in this era. HTF seems to think his era is unmatched when it really isn't considering the fact that he and Unstop easily used to dominate, now hes lost like his last 10 against Fatny. Nigel in this era also beats a lot of HOF showing he's elite. People are the real deal, and it seems too hard to get in.
Hell yeah. JT was beast. His titles history was insane for the amount of fights he had. Had he kept playing he wouldve been HTF level.
How is that lol? Seriously?
Forum Index » Profile for Professor » Messages posted by Professor
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