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Messages posted by: Professor
Forum Index » Profile for Professor » Messages posted by Professor
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I'm dropping out.

John running away from his competition like the spineless coward he is.
Mik's right...double hook is shit.

Even with a guy like Madman who focuses his entire style on lucky KOs. He still beats me maybe 2/10.

But he'll use those 2 victories and claim that he can beat anyone on the game. Well no shit, the game is about consistency, not about a few wins here and there.

By that logic, I am John's daddy, because I took his title a few times.
Shut the fuck up.
Such bland music tastes.
Vitor is fucking sick. I only see him getting better.
Ray Johnson wrote:
johnbludger wrote:Hopefully more people will come back. Sorry about the past 2 days guys. I had my state tournament in Columbus, Ohio..yesterday. We got 5th place out of 8. There was 3 games we had to play. First game we lost 19-14. I had 2 sacks and 6 tackles that game. Second game we won 28-12. I had 5 tackles. Third game we won again 35-6. I had 1 interception(very close to a touchdown). I had 6 tackles and I was QB in the second half. Got my team to score 2 touchdowns when I was QB. I was 7/10 and ran 86 yards. I was getting hurt out there. I have 2 bruises on my right arm. I have a blood clot on my right hand pinkie. My first skin layer of my left hand index finger was torn off and a minor cut on my left hand thumb. Never try to dive tackle on the line. It never works.

I might get on today. Depends on how long my sister plays on the computer.

I think people have gotten past the point of caring when you suddenly stop playing for a few hours.

Not really, OB's pretty much got one foot in the grave.
Just kidding Mik.

Great changes, pretty fun stuff, godly jab is no more, light punches are now actually light, and power game exists again. I actually had a 10 rounder today. Something I havent had in ages(outside of fights with top level fighters) despite the pitter pat style I had utilized in the last months.
And better yet the fight ended on a spectacular KO. Another thing I havent had in months.
Light punches need to be weakened, especially body jab.
I'd say Reaper by TKO11 by 5 knockdown rule.
And just talking OB.

Prime Reaper would've destroyed this version of john in the standard OB pre-changes.

As would Prime Vargas and Prime Rocky.
Mikkel wrote:Bullshit, gameplay just don't fit YOUR style..and if I change it, it wont fit someone ELSEs style. The fact that I change gameplay once in a while, simply gives people excuses to quit and excuses for their losses. There's really not anything else to say.

Uh no. The last gameplay that fit my style was on for about a day. Meanwhile, absurd power era was there for months, which sucked for me. But at the end of the day just before it changed I was W15 guys like Viper who were always giving me trouble. Then it goes back to semi-normal and I become a triple champ.

No gameplay doesn't suit me. Even with this I'm only second to john and thats because he plays this game as a part time job.

This gameplay just sucks more than the others.
I've been saying this shit since my series with sugarray weeks ago(which I won them all)

I even mentioned it to Mikkel, so get your facts straight, budd

And with my occasional login I can pretty much tell that this place is a virtual ghost town. Really, John is the only skilled player that plays this game as everyone left. Even the hardcore regulars like Redneck and Viper.
Forum Index » Profile for Professor » Messages posted by Professor
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