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Messages posted by: Professor
Forum Index » Profile for Professor » Messages posted by Professor
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Even worse than the power era. Now the power punches are about as strong as the light punches, except light punches don't do anything against your punching power. My fights with john and oh wait john is the only person who still plays this game are nothing but glorified jab fests that somehow manage to knock each other on the canvas 9 times in a fight. Defense doesn't exist. No one has the reflexes to block all these light punches, and now you have to block them because a crouching jab will partially stun you. The only defense in this game, is gunshyness from being afraid of being countered and hitting the deck, which is oh-so easy.

Lean back jab is absurd, and every fighter on here abuses the lean to no end. Which I dont care about, but I care that when you trade a lean back jab with a regular jab they do the same fucking damage.

Body jab is beyond absurd. Body jab effective is the best punch in the game. Destroys any crouching position. And as of now, stuns against the long uppercut and the long hook. Two of the counters to the body jab. Any time you'd face an outside guy like Bear the thing you'd do was to time him with a hook or uppercut, now as the skill of this game is no longer, you just block and spam a light punch. Even the right hand is total garbage now.

Because of the Godly jab, the crouching right hand, once a feared punch is now utter garbage. As the guy can just back away and body jab you for 70 percent.

I know the regulars will flame me, but this is the truth.

Now I must find a flame shield big enough to hold you all back.

All 4 of you...
With a balloon face.
Redneck. wrote:Hehe back to the old OB. Just how I like it.

Profsback you are a disgusting piece of crap...we all saw your photograph in the teenage punk...hehe. not are not fat.

Is this trash talking allowed now that we are away from Sal's power grip on OB?


Yeah no shit everyone saw it, I left it up for 2 years. And I was 11 in that picture.

Skillz is still fat.


Oh, my 04 pick is still up. LMAO
jk Mik

I'm freeeeeee.
I was going to, but Sal's joining so there is no point.
This is suspiciously close to April Fools Day..
Kessler wrote:Whoa whats going on?

Is OB really dyin?

Yeah, I should try to get to 1000 wins.
MAB fought with an unnecissary handicap from round 1 from headbutt. The same blinding cut that stopped the fight conveniently for Khan. MAB didn't have a chance as this was the furthest thing from a fair fight. It was a joke.
Oscar wrote:
Professor wrote:I know, it was pretty rigged. MAB wins if they ever fight again. Khan will probably make sure they fight when MAB is near 40 to make things easier upon himself as he has no chin. I bet the headbutt was intentional too.

Aye, the same as if Calzaghe fought Hopkins or RJJ again, he'd obviously lose, despite the fact that he battered them, he'd obviously lose if he took a rematch.

I have a feeling that you two (Prof, Fernando) don't know the definition of power, because if you did you wouldn't have posted such a ridiculous comment.

"Khan will probably make sure they fight when MAB is near 40 to make things easier upon himself as he has no chin."

If you're saying Khan has no chin then you're clearly implying that Barrera has no power at all.

RJJ isn't in the discussion. It was a cheap fight against a man who was years out of his prime. Calzaghe couldn't even finish him pathetically enough. And winning a bullshit split decision isn't battering anyone. If Hopkins fought like he did against Pavlik (going for the ko, taking chances) he'd beat Calzaghe hands down as old as he is.
With buttons you can throw combos faster. But with TPC you can haymaker. I always used TPC, as I'm not that agressive a player anyway.
I know, it was pretty rigged. MAB wins if they ever fight again. Khan will probably make sure they fight when MAB is near 40 to make things easier upon himself as he has no chin. I bet the headbutt was intentional too.
Your poor attempt at sarcasm is....well poor. The headbutt occurred in round 1, the same cut(it didn't get worse or anything) that stopped the fight. Barrera had do incur an incredible handicap from basically the start of the fight of having a large cut bleeding into your eye. Barrera is too much of a warrior though to let it got to a No Contest, and wanted to continue to fight despite his hinderance but the doctor finally stopped it ironically, a round after the Technical Decision comes into factor.
Khan won on a headbutt. Such bullshit fights these days.
Forum Index » Profile for Professor » Messages posted by Professor
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