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Messages posted by: Redneck
Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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Mikkel wrote:
johnbludger wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Mikkel wrote:Server is up again, hope it works.

thanks mikkel. Now please tell us your future plans with OB2D and OB3D? I think you created a very good game with OB2D and with OB3D a game that is able to beat it in motivation in the future (with the graphics its already better.).
Dont let bring you down from one damn fool with a wrecked brain (this guy from "a typical day at ob3d"). I bet this was an immature idiot that loved to kick on you just for fun (he knew that you are the creator of the game...).
Take a look to the guys that love your work and stay loyal (john, boon, Redneck, toosmooth etc.).
BTW..i changed my fucking ISP because you told me to try it (Contract is signed for february 2009). The guys of my old ISP acted like they got some monopol or something (i asked them what they can do for me if i sign again a contract with them and they just got dumb answers for me and no good i change to a ISP that is 10 Euro cheaper for me in month incl. a wireless router for nothing and Fastpath (faster pings) included.).

Thats great Mikkel thanks, Redneck is your connection better or worse?

I dont know yet, yets see.

Btw, wireless routers can decrease your ping as well.

yes i know mikkel. Thats why i use cable to connect it to my pc. both is possible.

(i stop now signing everything with Redneck...its kind of dumb
Red Viper wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Mikkel wrote:Server is up again, hope it works.

thanks mikkel. Now please tell us your future plans with OB2D and OB3D? I think you created a very good game with OB2D and with OB3D a game that is able to beat it in motivation in the future (with the graphics its already better.).
Dont let bring you down from one damn fool with a wrecked brain (this guy from "a typical day at ob3d"). I bet this was an immature idiot that loved to kick on you just for fun (he knew that you are the creator of the game...).
Take a look to the guys that love your work and stay loyal (john, boon, Redneck, toosmooth etc.).
BTW..i changed my fucking ISP because you told me to try it (Contract is signed for february 2009). The guys of my old ISP acted like they got some monopol or something (i asked them what they can do for me if i sign again a contract with them and they just got dumb answers for me and no good i change to a ISP that is 10 Euro cheaper for me in month incl. a wireless router for nothing and Fastpath (faster pings) included.). With idiots in callcenter like this i give my old ISP just 10 more years to go (they are known for losing ppl because of stupidity).


I agree, this game should stay. I might make my return either today or tomorrow.

of course i forgot Red Viper in my loyal-members-listing. Just because he is (was?) retired at the moment.

johnbludger wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Mikkel wrote:Server is up again, hope it works.

thanks mikkel. Now please tell us your future plans with OB2D and OB3D? I think you created a very good game with OB2D and with OB3D a game that is able to beat it in motivation in the future (with the graphics its already better.).
Dont let bring you down from one damn fool with a wrecked brain (this guy from "a typical day at ob3d"). I bet this was an immature idiot that loved to kick on you just for fun (he knew that you are the creator of the game...).
Take a look to the guys that love your work and stay loyal (john, boon, Redneck, toosmooth etc.).
BTW..i changed my fucking ISP because you told me to try it (Contract is signed for february 2009). The guys of my old ISP acted like they got some monopol or something (i asked them what they can do for me if i sign again a contract with them and they just got dumb answers for me and no good i change to a ISP that is 10 Euro cheaper for me in month incl. a wireless router for nothing and Fastpath (faster pings) included.).

Thats great Mikkel thanks, Redneck is your connection better or worse?

its not good and not worse john. its still around 150 at the moment. But in middle of january, beginning of february i get a new Provider with fastpath, new dsl-modem(router). So i think my ping will fall to 120-130.

Mikkel wrote:Server is up again, hope it works.

thanks mikkel. Now please tell us your future plans with OB2D and OB3D? I think you created a very good game with OB2D and with OB3D a game that is able to beat it in motivation in the future (with the graphics its already better.).
Dont let bring you down from one damn fool with a wrecked brain (this guy from "a typical day at ob3d"). I bet this was an immature idiot that loved to kick on you just for fun (he knew that you are the creator of the game...).
Take a look to the guys that love your work and stay loyal (john, boon, Redneck, toosmooth etc.).
BTW..i changed my fucking ISP because you told me to try it (Contract is signed for february 2009). The guys of my old ISP acted like they got some monopol or something (i asked them what they can do for me if i sign again a contract with them and they just got dumb answers for me and no good i change to a ISP that is 10 Euro cheaper for me in month incl. a wireless router for nothing and Fastpath (faster pings) included.). With idiots in callcenter like this i give my old ISP just 10 more years to go (they are known for losing ppl because of stupidity).

i hope that the server will come back soon. I tried it yesterday over and over again...but always no server.

Skillz wrote:

And then the old retired people like me who come on the forums to check up..

oh yeah skillz. That helps Onlineboxing very much...your comments here on the forum. If you dont come online to fight with the guys it helps a shit.

Skillz wrote:Lol. If you haven't noticed "PC Boxing Games" aren't very popular..

lol..stop making jokes about it.
I think they are very popular because i came on my search to several forums where the guys complained about the missing of a good boxing game for pc. There is a market, but there is no offer to satisfy demand. Or there is a offer ( but noone knows about it.

Skillz wrote:
Thing is there's not many people who want to play Boxing games online since there are such as FN..

sorry skillz, but this is nonsense. FN you can only play on xbox and playstation(3?). There are no good boxing games for computer. I come to this site because of a search on google for good boxing games for pc (in a forum someone mentioned OB. It was just luck that i saw it.). If someone is searching for "boxing pc" or "boxing game pc" on the first results should be. If ppl knew there is a good and interesting Onlineboxing game we would have more than 100 people online. But most of the guys searching for a good pc boxing game dont know that exists. As i said...i found it on a forum just by luck.
And there is another boxing (manager) game on the net that gained many users immediately and isnt half as good as mikkels game here (good advertisement and placement after google search).
I am really sad that mikkel lose his hope. He done everything very well (quality of the game, motivation etc.)...just nobody knows it exists.

Mikkel wrote:Or this is one really risky but really awarding as at the forehead of BARACK OBAMA !!

lol. i like the idea. Now you see...there are ways of good advertisement.

or we do a Onlineboxing-party and we send an invitation to Arthur Abraham and Mikkel Kessler. We make them drunk and tatoo ONLINEBOXING.NET to their back. Millions and Millions of people watch the next Supersix-Fights. Problem solved

Mikkel wrote:Well kind of given up, if something dont happen soon I'll wrap it up and start doing something else.

i think thats no good news. But look at boon, edder, toosmooth, john, me etc. We play very much. So the quality of your game is very good, just the quality of advertising and pushing it is noobish. Cant you see that?

Mikkel wrote:
Redneck wrote:hahaha. On OB2D it happened very often to me. But now just old users online and i dont know what it is, i guess respect to each other, but we are not running mad after a loss.
I remember a time much more new fighters went to OB2D. Its a kind of stagnation since a few month. You know the reason why mikkel?
And a lot of this guys were shittalking much sharper than boxing


it's because OB is dying,

no no. thats too easy. And what atitude is this mikkel? The guys i was talking about were no real members of OB just the punch-away-noobs playing 1-7 days. So i think its a problem of wrong advertisement or site-placement after keyword-search on the search engines.
Its because OB is dying is a dumb answer
more positive thinking please..

hahaha. On OB2D it happened very often to me. But now just old users online and i dont know what it is, i guess respect to each other, but we are not running mad after a loss.
I remember a time much more new fighters went to OB2D. Its a kind of stagnation since a few month. You know the reason why mikkel?
And a lot of this guys were shittalking much sharper than boxing

Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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