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Messages posted by: Redneck
Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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we were never friends and we will never be. Dont know why you are sucking edders dick. I dont care what you are doing with me in any top10 categories. I am retired so i dont care. All i know is that even reaper kicked your ass while i was active. You support an idiot using usual comments like "hmmm" or with comments attacking loyal and good-character users. Its your problem. So keep licking edders ass and let me alone please. Your comment does not make any sense.

as i wrote before i am not attacking you. You are just without any sense with your drug-influenced comments. I dont like reading comments from your bean-brain attacking loyal users with good character like john, ray, captain america etc. You are just poison on the forum for some cool guys here. I dont like you and i will never like your glue-infected brain.
I am retired but i take a look from time to time to the forum and all i see is a immature idiot called edder with dumb comments to guys that are really supporting OB. I dont like that because i ever liked the game and if mikkel really change it to p2p (for dumbfucks like you i translate that here: peer to peer and not pay to play you idiot) i will come back and i like to see cool guys and no life-wrecks like you edder. Or your gayfriend htf. And i dont talk 16 languages. just 5. But i bet you got problems with your one immigrant language.

EDDIE54 wrote:
Redneck wrote:
EDDIE54 wrote:but none of you guys know because you dont play so shut up redneck and stick to your day job (sucking dick)

thats all you can do. I did not attack you on my comment. I just told the facts. If you are better now than Captain something strange happened and i congratulate. But i think nothing changed. Even your big mouth (full of crack-junkie sperm?) stayed on same level.
And all you do in your comments is so full of dumbness that i just feel sorry for you. Anyone hit you too hard again?


nothing has changed with your dumbass language

hahaha. yeah. I speak 5 languages. 3 of them i speak perfect. english is not my special language.
But i got something for you:
nothing has changed with your dumbass brain edder. I dont know whats wrong with you. You are bitter as hell. Is it your small dick not able to satisfy girls, your trailer-living or something else? I dont know...but you make me laugh.

EDDIE54 wrote:but none of you guys know because you dont play so shut up redneck and stick to your day job (sucking dick)

thats all you can do. I did not attack you on my comment. I just told the facts. If you are better now than Captain something strange happened and i congratulate. But i think nothing changed. Even your big mouth (full of crack-junkie sperm?) stayed on same level.
And all you do in your comments is so full of dumbness that i just feel sorry for you. Anyone hit you too hard again?

EDDIE54 wrote:you dont even deserve 7th. your not suppose to be on that list..

i am retired. But i remember Captain America as a good fighter with excellent skills while i remember you as an average fighter with a few good days.
If that changed i congratulate you...but i dont think so.

Ray Johnson wrote:
EDDIE54 wrote:why do you guys want to pay?

Oh... you epic fucking twat. Look fuckbrain, if you read the first post you would notice he is talking about peer2peer and not pay2play.

Here's a little help:
Redneck wrote:Peer to Peer

The shit of it is that you'll either not understand what I'm saying or some fucking douchebag will defend you. Piss off or stfu, because you keep saying dumb things. Who needs you? You're worthless. Your input is garbage. Go away.

lol Ray. Dont know whats wrong with edder. Just "hmmm" or strange comments is all you can expect from him. Most of the time this comments are without any sense or not focused on the thread. Maybe drugs?

Mikkel wrote:I'll make that one day when I have time, just dont think it would make a big difference right now in how many plays the game.

Thanks for this good news. Maybe no big difference in how many plays the game...but one hardcore regular again And i bet a few more players from europe etc. again. I got better pings with this P2P on OB3D with american players, too. So i think it will help the game and how many plays the game a lot.
Ok thanks again that there is hope for it...

Ray Johnson wrote:You can start your own server.. at least you could, it's been broken for a long time now.

Hey Ray..i know that this is possible. And starting a own server would be a good thing to fight people on it, but if you do so you dont see the guys from the other server. So the result of own servers is that the most fighters on the main server and you sit alone on your own server. Thats where P2P gets can see everyone and its like creating a own server for every fight. I hope you know what i mean...

Hey Mikkel,

is it possible to change OB2D to the way OB3D works? Peer to Peer? We got pings from 30-40 during our 3D-Fights. My ping on OB2D sucks too much to keep playing it (while waiting for 3D to finish.
I think guys like Trpche, Crank etc. will come back to play with P2P, too. To create a own server for europe there are not enough people to divide them in that way.

yeah, whats wrong with you guys here? John is trying to bring some life back to OB. Everyone should appreciate this. And it was edder and me telling john that it is a great idea to do this (and it was me giving him the idea to name it john bludger promotion because its his name and he do this promotion. no sense in continuing it as paul dion promotion because paul dion lost his interest in the game).
So again...credits to paul dion for a good idea. But many thanks to John continuing a dead thing and giving a new spirit to it.

i agree with boon. Dont listen to this guys if they act like little kids here.
Paul said that he lost interest in the game and everything that got to do with it. Nigel? Was this guy online the last 5 years? I just know the name nigel from all the "Viper"-postings that he retired him.
Credits to this guys that they got some good ideas for OB...but they let the ideas die. So its not stealing the idea, its just bringing back some good ideas and enhance them. John is doing a good job for OB.

boon. you got a paypal account? if not create one (its free) and i give you 8 dollars to your donation. I think you still got the major amount? So after this its 15 john, 15 you and 8 me because i am retired. Just send me a pm with your paypal data to send it.

johnbludger wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Couture wrote:If you wanna make yourself feel better do me a favor go and delete them for me please

yes couture. i would do that but i got no moderator status. If it is possible for you or mikkel to give me the moderator-status for 1-2 evenings to delete them please send me a pm to this account i wrote this message here and i will do that job. After that you can delete the moderator-account again.


Give me the moderator status I'll delete them

I'll help out ol' Redneck

thank you john ol' mate
btw you would be a perfect moderator. Active user, a good guy, never agressive or dumb against any user, fair.
Couture wrote:If you wanna make yourself feel better do me a favor go and delete them for me please

yes couture. i would do that but i got no moderator status. If it is possible for you or mikkel to give me the moderator-status for 1-2 evenings to delete them please send me a pm to this account i wrote this message here and i will do that job. After that you can delete the moderator-account again.

I cant believe that i spammed the forum with all this shit-messages from me. We got different opinions and i sent all this bullshit-spam. Sorry again for this mikkel and i still feel dumb for doing this.
And everyone who read this should show you respect. I mean..i acted like a fool doing this but you let me back like the merciful father.
I am in retirement now but i never forget this.
I know who you are...

shit. i cant edit my old postings mikkel. I wanted to erase this dumb postings i spammed this forum with but my old Redneck account is banned.
Sorry again for the trouble and everyone should know that you are doing a good job with the games here.
hm...i spam this postive message to the threads my old posting still is on top. All i can do.

Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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