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Messages posted by: Redneck
Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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@Mikkel and Rocky

i try to find out where my bottleneck to the Main-Server of ob is. Last time i tested it with tracert it was a packet loss problem to an american ip.
I think you are right with that transatlantic-lines theory rocky. The capacity gets more and more exhausted...thats why my ping raised 10 higher than all the years before.
I also tried all different kind of settings on my connection-data (mtu, winpacketsize etc.). But it just changes the download speed, not the ping at all. I phoned my ISP and they told me that my ping gets better with 25000-dsl. So its just a matter of time for me. At the moment they want 8 dollars more in month for that "nonsense"-speed and i would need a new router or dsl modem (and i just bought a new computer and repaired my car..).
But i keep trying to get my ping better again. Thanks for your comments mikkel and rocky.

ok thanks for your answer mikkel. I stop pushing anything regarding p2p.
To my connection. I understand what you say to me with the ISP's. I got the premium ISP from germany (he is testwinner). He is a little bit more expensive than the other ISPs. He gives the lines to the other ISPs in our country. So i think they use the best lines for their own company. Thats why i am afraid to change to another ISP that use the cables and lines from this.
Only way for me to get a little bit better ping is going from dsl6000 to dsl25000. But my dsl-modem is not ready to manage this and i am not ok to buy a new one for 100 dollars and pay 8 dollars more in month for that "overkill"-speed that noone really needs at the moment. Download-speed etc. is limited no most internet-sites and i got good ping on most of my online games (not Counterstrike...GTA San Andreas(you are right, more servers to choose..), Company of Heroes, Crossfire, COD4, Soldat etc. But with good ping i would still prefer your game mikkel.)

Mikkel wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Mikkel wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Rocky Marciano wrote:
Might be related to server, might be transatlantic connections etc.

i got similar problems for month now. Not skipping but my ping raised to +10. for guys with >100 ping that would be no problem but with a 140 ping it matters a lot for me. Thats why i asked mikkel to change it to the OB3D way called peer to peer. In that case we would have 30-50 ping to play. It would be a better connection for half of the OB-people (Trpche, Boon, Crank, Polski, you, me and a lot of more people and new people will find the game more attractiv....even for Mikkel because he is from denmark(?). You retired because of connection-problems (skips in games), i retired because of connection problems (+10 ping), polski retired because of transatlantic ping...all constant players (dont know the real amount of ppl left cause of this reason...)
I hope mikkel will show mercy and find the time to do it one day.
But i think the more i beg to do it the smaller the chance to get it if i know my mikkel right So i dont send anything regarding p2p anymore.


Why dont you try to change ISP ? I know that helped some before. I cant really "find mercy and do it one day" since it will take more than one day, and I dont have time and what time i have, i spent it on 3d.

i dont wanna change my ISP because i have good connection on every other online-game. In case of a change its no garantie that my connection stay on that high level (30-60 ping on nearly every other online game). Maybe its more bad for every game then.
If you dont find the mercy for me and the other high-ping guys to change it to the way OB3D works its ok for me. So i stay retired. I got not the power to change it.
But i am really sad because i liked the game and the way it works. But its no "armageddon" for me if you decide to let it run as before.
So i step into the line that left the game due to the obsolete way to play it online (Crank, Polski, Rocky, Me...).
Wish you luck with your games.


get it into your HEAD..I HAVE NO TIME TO FIX IT. This is a hobby project, I do what I have time to do, and what I feel like doing.

"due to the obsolete way to play it "

Theres nothing obsolete about playing over a server, it's p2p that is obsolete, because it's easier to cheat. If anything is obsolete, it's your connection...

I can read and i understand that you will never change it to p2p. But just a few days ago: mikkel on the p2p-thread..."I'll make that one day when I have time". So one day you say so and the other you say Thats why i thought its hope for it. So push your caps lock need for it.
my connection is not obsolete. i got dsl-6000. But if you got just a little connection-knowledge, you know that the fastest connection is not the best ping-connection. With ISDN your ping is much better than with DSL for example.
If peer-to-peer is obsolete and easier to cheat...why do you use it in your new Onlineboxing-Version 3D? So you develop your new game-version in an obsolete way?
But no need to discuss this any further. I AM ALREADY RETIRED<--Caps-lock-revange hahaha

Mikkel wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Rocky Marciano wrote:
Might be related to server, might be transatlantic connections etc.

i got similar problems for month now. Not skipping but my ping raised to +10. for guys with >100 ping that would be no problem but with a 140 ping it matters a lot for me. Thats why i asked mikkel to change it to the OB3D way called peer to peer. In that case we would have 30-50 ping to play. It would be a better connection for half of the OB-people (Trpche, Boon, Crank, Polski, you, me and a lot of more people and new people will find the game more attractiv....even for Mikkel because he is from denmark(?). You retired because of connection-problems (skips in games), i retired because of connection problems (+10 ping), polski retired because of transatlantic ping...all constant players (dont know the real amount of ppl left cause of this reason...)
I hope mikkel will show mercy and find the time to do it one day.
But i think the more i beg to do it the smaller the chance to get it if i know my mikkel right So i dont send anything regarding p2p anymore.


Why dont you try to change ISP ? I know that helped some before. I cant really "find mercy and do it one day" since it will take more than one day, and I dont have time and what time i have, i spent it on 3d.

i dont wanna change my ISP because i have good connection on every other online-game. In case of a change its no garantie that my connection stay on that high level (30-60 ping on nearly every other online game). Maybe its more bad for every game then.
If you dont find the mercy for me and the other high-ping guys to change it to the way OB3D works its ok for me. So i stay retired. I got not the power to change it.
But i am really sad because i liked the game and the way it works. But its no "armageddon" for me if you decide to let it run as before.
So i step into the line that left the game due to the obsolete way to play it online (Crank, Polski, Rocky, Me...).
Wish you luck with your games.

yes. its maybe too hard to work it out.

In case of a dominator you are right mikkel. But if more same level guys are fighting for the belts it would be a interesting thing.
But forget about the idea..its too far from reality.

Rocky Marciano wrote:
Might be related to server, might be transatlantic connections etc.

i got similar problems for month now. Not skipping but my ping raised to +10. for guys with >100 ping that would be no problem but with a 140 ping it matters a lot for me. Thats why i asked mikkel to change it to the OB3D way called peer to peer. In that case we would have 30-50 ping to play. It would be a better connection for half of the OB-people (Trpche, Boon, Crank, Polski, you, me and a lot of more people and new people will find the game more attractiv....even for Mikkel because he is from denmark(?). You retired because of connection-problems (skips in games), i retired because of connection problems (+10 ping), polski retired because of transatlantic ping...all constant players (dont know the real amount of ppl left cause of this reason...)
I hope mikkel will show mercy and find the time to do it one day.
But i think the more i beg to do it the smaller the chance to get it if i know my mikkel right So i dont send anything regarding p2p anymore.

i got a crazy idea. Why dont bring OBA, OBF, OBW and OBC belt back in ONE Room? Rankings count to get shots for the belts in just ONE room. So we still can get a superchamp but no trouble with all the different rooms.
I like this one room changing from mikkel but i miss the 4 counting belts, too. That would be a great solution if possible to make. But others should like the idea, too. Who knows..maybe the most like just one belt.
just a crazy idea...

johnbludger wrote:
Redneck wrote:@john
i am not able to make a top10 at the moment because i am retired for month now.


I understand, All I seen was alot of shit-talk and barely any top 10's. HTF thought both.

yeah. Bringing back some life to the forums but on the wrong thread
yeah, i think you are right. I try to come back in the next days/weeks and do the business in the ring again. I hope mikkel got the time one day to make OB2D peer to peer. In your case that would be a better ping for most of your fights, too i bet. I got pings from 140-156 nowadays on OB2D. With that peer to peer i got pings from 30-90.
i am not able to make a top10 at the moment because i am retired for month now.

to the Reaper thing:
i dont like Reaper and he dont like me. But to be i was still active i met him as a champ on OB. I asked for a shot and after a few Reaper-comments he gave me one. I won the title and he expected that i run with that title. I gave him the rm and he won it back. That was a few weeks before i retired. So maybe he changed in this thing as he said.
I dont forget the past and champs that prefer to sit on the title. Yacoob and Popeye are guys that never give shots to better fighters. I dont see that behaviour on Reaper nowadays.

Ray Johnson wrote:
HTF wrote:
CaptainAmerica wrote:Can yall please stop arguing this was a topic on top 10's does it matter who in or not in why are yall making this more than it needs to be just post your top tens or don't post anything at all...

As u wish!! Your right.

Redneck lets just let this end.

No, you're wrong HTF. Edder's posts are designed to either piss someone off or add nothing to a conversation. How can you even think that Redneck was 'talking shit'? Have you even looked at edders recent post history? If you had any sense you would temporarily ban edder for being a fucktard.

thanks ray. Thats why i was mad because htf supported edder after my comment to him. All he do is writing negative comments if someone sent videos of koes, trying to make OB more interesting with good ideas etc. No constructive critics just things like "you are all idiots" etc. Or just nonsense like "hmm" to every thread.
maybe you are right mikkel. You know better whats best for OB. If you trust htf in doing his job as moderator you got your reasons for this.

...but captain was right. This is a thread for Top10. Let us end the discussion here.

just read captains comment. Ok lets stop it here.
HTF wrote:
Redneck wrote:If mikkel likes his own game he should take the moderator status from you immediately. You ban users without any reason and you try to destroy the game. Why dont give this status to mature guys like john or boon? I got no words for garbage like you htf or your good gayfriend edder.

Again... a bunch of bullshit. Please get your facts straight and stop with the bullshit. Still you go no other way to insult so u bring bullshit into it... U aint got nothing to stay so you try to bring old shit up.

i bring old shit up? You are a joke htf. A good friend told me that tonight Reaper was online and asking you for a shot over and over again. You fool tried to make a fool out of him refusing him to fight and just talking dumb shit to him. Is that the way OB should work? i dont think so. You are destroying OB with your kiddie-way. I dont like Reaper but even Reaper got more style than you. You attacked me after i told edder to stfu with his dumb immature comments. You are really poison for the game. If mikkel likes his game he should take the moderator status from you away IMMEDIATELY and give it to guys that love OB like john, boon, trpche or some guys with brain and not to a piece of shit like you trying to destroying the rest of OB. End of discussion.

If mikkel likes his own game he should take the moderator status from you immediately. You ban users without any reason and you try to destroy the game. Why dont give this status to mature guys like john or boon? I got no words for garbage like you htf or your good gayfriend edder.
HTF wrote:
Redneck wrote:@htf
we were never friends and we will never be. Dont know why you are sucking edders dick. I dont care what you are doing with me in any top10 categories. I am retired so i dont care. All i know is that even reaper kicked your ass while i was active. You support an idiot using usual comments like "hmmm" or with comments attacking loyal and good-character users. Its your problem. So keep licking edders ass and let me alone please. Your comment does not make any sense.

as i wrote before i am not attacking you. You are just without any sense with your drug-influenced comments. I dont like reading comments from your bean-brain attacking loyal users with good character like john, ray, captain america etc. You are just poison on the forum for some cool guys here. I dont like you and i will never like your glue-infected brain.
I am retired but i take a look from time to time to the forum and all i see is a immature idiot called edder with dumb comments to guys that are really supporting OB. I dont like that because i ever liked the game and if mikkel really change it to p2p (for dumbfucks like you i translate that here: peer to peer and not pay to play you idiot) i will come back and i like to see cool guys and no life-wrecks like you edder. Or your gayfriend htf. And i dont talk 16 languages. just 5. But i bet you got problems with your one immigrant language.


Redneck your a idiot. If your gonna try to insult me use facts not bullshit. Reaper has never owned or even really kicked my ass. Hes won maybe a few fights on a off day for me. But ive always beat him more then he has me and thats a fact.

Like I said your trying to talk shit with bullshit!!! that doesnt work out very well. I keep it real your a garbage fighter so IMHO u shouldnt be talking shit.

take a look to one comment before this one. i dont waste my time answering you. You are a edder-dick-sucker..nothing more to say.
...and i stop answering comments to a guy like you or this joke htf here and now. I remember this fool htf banning loyal users like boon etc. without any reason (maybe once he was ok. but take a look to this wreck of a guy now and give moderator status to guys like john or boon supporting OB and not to one trying to destroying it).
You clowns are not worth my time. Most of the users know what kind of guys you are. So why wasting my time.

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