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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon 2
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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Sniper told me he asked Mikkel to strip you because you avoided him like the plague. Can´t say I am sorry he did so.

Poor Mexican fag, all I want is whats mine, the OB belt. Slugger got it by cheating.
Mikkel read Vipers post, watch the fight! I couldnt get up because of what Slugger did. He froze the fight or hell I dono what he did, Iam not a computer expert. All I know is he didnt beat me fair for that belt so I want that thing where it belongs: around my waist.
Exactly Viper, he lagged/froze the fucking fight. If not I would have gotten up. It wasnt a ko punch as Viper says, watch the fight. It hurts me that Mikkel is doubting my words. Ive playing this game for 7-8 years and as a champ I was very active, defending it against numerous people.
Fact is, Slugger cheated, please gimme my belt back.
Yeah right Mikkel. I moved to Bolivia to play OB ......
Several players stated Slugger is cheating and you doubt our words?
I guess it´s time to hang them up and call it a day.
I am confident Mikkel will make the right decision.
I´d say the top 10 based on the last 30 days is as follows:
1) Dick E. Boon
2) Yacoob
3) Vargas
4) John
5) Profsback
6) Sniper
7) Trpche
Headless Hunter
9) Red Viper
10) Slugger

Just out of the top 10: Fat Knee
Ive been playing for like 8 years now. And yes there used to be more players online, but let´s not exagerate, it was not that back then it was all the time FULL of top players, that´s nonsense. There were more good and active players, yes.

By not letting anyone new in the HOF the old skool HOFers protect their own status, Ive said it all along. It´s an old and endless discussion.
Congrats already John! I´ve seen you have had some fights in the last couple of days. Maybe we can fight for the belt when we meet online. It would be an honor to defend the belt against a classy champ like you, a future HOF´er. If you beat me, please be a little more active
There are a few fighters out there that can beat me (and I can beat them): Vargas, Yacoob, Profs, Fatny and last but certainly not least yourself.
In one of my best performances ever I stopped Yacoob in 9 gruelling rounds. Yacoob was as dangerous as ever but I came in prepared. Thx Viper for training with me yesterday!
Will you help me prepare for him Viper? Yacoob is an A class fighter, he is a superb boxer. He is chinny but with the actual settings the power punchers aren´t what they used to be. It´s hard to beat him on points. I am gonna have to take him out.

Yea Viper I remember you shut Yacoob up in the past, thats why I want you to spar with me and help me prepare for this upcoming event. I want you to tell me everything there is to know about him.
Okay, I will start watching some Yacoob videos then, analyze the weak and strong points. Fatny and Viper, I would like you to join me up in Big Bear and help me to prepare for one of the biggest fights of my illustrious career.
Yacoob beat me twice, beat Fatny twice, and about 10 other fighters. Hes has a big streak now. It seems I am holding the belt warm for him. Yacoob, you deserved your shot. I hope we can meet in the ring soon. Solving the Yacoob puzzle will be hard but I love a challenge.
You are our lady in red! Chris once told me he dedicated this song to you
Fatny stop it now, Redqueen eeeehhhh Redneck is a well respected member of OB! You are just a waste of time and space and you wouldn´t stay alive 2 hours in a military boot camp lead by real men!
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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