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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon 2
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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With the new settings you have to give the advantage to Viper. It´s very hard to outbox anyone for 12 rounds, especially a KO king like Viper. I might win some rds, but if Viper is good he will knock me out. If he doesn´t bring his A game look for Viper to be stopped.
Viper, I´ll try to be online in the afternoon, it is more likely I will log in in the evening.

I am not in best shape myself either. Yesterday I lost by brutal ko to John (x2) and I have a cold at the moment. But in the end the fans know we will put on a good show. I will not take you lightly. I even think you can be considered the betting favourite, looking at your accomplishments during your career. I suggest you don´t see me as a joke either, as I can both bang and box.
Skillz wrote:And if you search "OnlineBoxing" this pops up 1st.

Yes and then you this page and then where do you go? It's not clear at all for new players how and where to play OB2D. Usability could and should be better.
Mikkel wrote:No we wait for captain, none said the round should be over in one weekend.

Ok but take notice captain hasn´t fought (or logged in I think) for over a week now.
Mikkel wrote:Edder and boon why are you fighting a round 2 fight ? round 1 has to be over first. This was not a super six fight sorry bout that.

I dont complain about that
Captain never showed up. So that automatically gives me 3 points for RD 1? Captains last fight was on Nov. 30.

Ok Ed I will be on tonite.
then its skillz
Ed walked right through my punches. From the first punch that I connected I saw he was able to take my power. Then I tried to box him but Ed took me out twice in round 1. I should consider retirement.
I'd like some official to confirm that Eds hands were wrapped the right way cause he hit me like Ive never been hit before.
I can confirm the result, I couldnt handle Eds power.
johnbludger wrote:and all of that happened right after I faced this guy named Shot Holyfield

We had a 5 series. I lost then I won then lost then won then I won again. After that those alts came online and started to talk shit. Oh well I don't care really...

Shot Holyfield = Barrack Obama = Salvador Sanchez .....
Fatny is Roy Jones Jr:
Rocky Marciano wrote:Fatny could and would dominate easy if he wanted to - this under these new settings too.

Hell no, yesterday he got knocked out by me, John and Edder.
Redneck wrote:i dont think this rankings are right. I think fatny was the best player since i started playing and that was late 2005. till he came back from his thailand-trip he dominated (maybe Unstoppable and Salvador beat him here and there but he was better). So put in your years 05, 06, 07 and 08 Fatny.
multiple his skills from nowadays x4 and you got the fatny of this years. This was what i saw this years...maybe others got other opinions because he is just a shadow of the fatny of this years nowadays.


True, with the old settings Fatny dominated for several years. I´d like to see him make a come back with the new settings and see if he can beat John, and I am not talking about an occasional win.
Fighter of the year 2009: John. Best player around, by far. The Lionel Messi of OB.

Personality of the year: Red Viper. Won and defended numerous titles this year, was one of the top dogs when active, made some historical posts on the forum and then suddenly semi retired to the surprise of many.

Sorry Redneck I hope I haven´t offended you.

How do we calculate points Mikkel? I propose:
Win by KO: 3
Win on points: 2
Draw: 1
Lose: 0

This is how the real Super Six works as well right?
Will you make the match ups soon?
Rocky Marciano wrote:It is totally irrelevant if you take this "200 fights and I am done for good" thing seriously or not. I just do not care.

By the way one round in your lag takes same amount of time to play as 6 rounds in normal speed.

Nobody is taking your retirement posts serious anymore Rocky. You will never retire. History has proven that. You always come back with some alt trying to achieve an 100-0 record and when you get beaten after 10 fights you quit again, disappear off the radar, lick your wounds and come back under a new alt after a while.

OMG you think I lag?
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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