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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon 2
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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Trpche told me once he has a few servers running and that maybe he could help you out. Do you have his email address? I havent seen him on the forum.

Id like to continue playing this game.
Mikkel, why not keep OB2D running if the players pay for the costs?
If the players (or anyone else) would pay for the costs, could we play OB2D again?
profs, how would you rate my style (apart from the lag)?

my biggest complaint is that you can get hit 1 million times and yur stamina doesnt go down a bit, i agree with profs the game is for ko artists now
If somebody would be willing to pay the monthly costs Mikkel, would you keep OB2D running? If so, how much are the monthly costs?

If not, thanks for creating the game Mikkel! I really enjoyed the ride while it lasted.

ps: who will take care of Ken Norton now, can anyone adopt him?
I feel offended by Rednecks comments and I think he should be banned again
I am in.
merry x mas OB cowboys!
lets have a good one!
All fine AA! Nice to hear from you again. Such a shame that a fighter of your calibre left the game at such a young age.
I still pray to God every day for you to make a come back!
Round 2 Boon vs Edder
Boon won 2-1
sterlihalla wrote:
Skillz wrote:2001-2002 - Lerru.

The rest if right..except

2005-2007 - HTF (roughly, this was the prime pretty much and all the best were fighting)

i was fighting 2007 i was whoopin asss

Iam sorry Reaper but I was around in 2007 and you never dominated players like HTF, Fatny, Larry and Rocky, maybe an occasional win here and there. You are a good fighter, but that's about it.
Redneck wrote:..

LOL wtf redneck ? easy man. pls delete this thread.
Another candidate for Vipers bust-list: Redneck.
What has this guy really accomplished apart from spamming the forums, fighting with Mikkel and signing each and every post with his name?

Dick E. Boon
Ray made some good points there Viper, I truly think you should consider him on your bust list.

I have created little impact on this game too. Every time I win it is because of the lag and everytime I lose it is because I suck. Ive never been a true top contender, never dominated as a champ and Ive been playing this game for almost 7 years now. Shouldnt I be a dominant champ by now Viper?
All credits to Viper, he walked right through me.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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