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Messages posted by: mogray
Forum Index » Profile for mogray » Messages posted by mogray
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OB still kicking? Been awhile so thought I'd check back and see what's up.

Just downloaded the 3d version. Nice job on the boxer skins Mikkel.

Bricklayer will be happy to knock people out in the EST time zone.

Mon-Fri after 7:00PM EST
Sat-Sunday All Day EST
Nice try. I said lets rematch NOW because I have to go.

You said blah blah "later on" blah blah blah "tommorrow".

Whatever. I could give two craps about the title. It's this sneaky shit that annoys me.
I deserved a rematch. No?

Saying you need to practice first is lame. Nobody is as rusty as I am in this game. I haven't fought regularly for months.

Guess I need to...umm..actually fight for it to be a comeback.

Oh well, tonight I was on and was surprised to find that I had a title? WTF? Somebody hack my account and win it for me? Thanks! Maybe that same person can defend it for me too....

It should be easy to take from me (easier than usual) since I'm a bit rusty.
It's a fun game and cheap by most games standards. $14 gets you 6 months. Can't beat that.

Great game Mikkel. (hat's off)

Just shoved a case of beer in the fridge and I'm back baby, do your homework early youngins so your mama let's you on EST for some pain.

I was on tonight and recognized only a couple names. You still around pap?

I've been mostly idle lately but I've gotten on enough to sample. Here's mine:

1. Larry Holmes - Please...he's the master. Don't fight it.
2. HTF - Annoys me most of the time but at the the top of the food chain. Fast, accurate, busy, and crafty.
3. jigsaw - new name, can't figure out who it is. Gave me a proper slugging the other night.
4. Fernando Vargas - Very disciplined. Doesn't over extend himself, stays tight with the defense while dishing out the offense. Politely calls you "bro" after every fight.
5. Mike Tyson - Famous for the slugging skills, still has them. Also a patient fighter that waits for his opening. Can get the flash ko's.
6. sugarray - Annoyingly patient. I tell him so after every fight. Great defense and accuracy. Very difficult to land combos against.
7. USA - He's a punk but I'll put him at 7. Good jab blah blah....he'll tell you all about it...
8. monkeytail - Got to put Pap in my list. Can pound down two beers by the 5th bell. Sees to it that the fight never makes it to the judges.
9. Nigel Benn - Good slugging skills. Makes you miss alot with the up and down style. Can put together some great combos.

There are others that should be in the list but some of you change your names so much I can't keep track. I think it's Mad Skills that's been schooling me lately but not sure, Unstop should be in the list but by his own words he's not active at the moment. Also there's so much great competition at the moment it's hard not to leave people out.
So did Kikin throw a spanner in the works?


Is someone jotting these down?

Down the road we can pull out some fresh yacoobisms.
That was great
You said it yourself Tyrant. Nobody really retires from OB.

You'll be back.
You said it Pap.

I'm surprised Tyrant didn't get in. He is loved by all the HOF'ers. Definately won the popularity contest.

I guess in the current system it only takes one to not like you and you're out.

Who was it? Fess up.

Every fool here is voting for their buds.

I vote for monkeytail (pap) then! Consistent, hard hitting, not afraid to get bloody.

Your point well taken Larry. The criteria for getting in has shifted. Some of the existing HOF'ers would not have gotten inducted today which goes to show you how good HTF and Unstop really are to get inducted in recent times.

USA wrote:
no offense dude but u kinda of sux MAYBE THATS Y

Nice. I thought we were pals. I guess I won't invite you to my Christmas party this year.

Old, crotchety, arthritic Bricklayer vs young, cocky, raw USA

USA up 11 fights to 10.

I guess we both "sux" then?

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