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Messages posted by: Bold As Love
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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That is obviously my game..
I think they are already fixed...
Mike Tyson Vs. Labratory.... 43 to 26 I lead

Mike Tyson Vs Larry Holmes 30 to 17 I lead
There is not really all that much that changed.. Just the cross arm block..
Who is yacoob?
Wtf larry
5 kd's to 0 isnt a fluke.. A ko or something every now and then maybe..
That wasnt the original fight for the title .. And I would of given you a rematch right away.. But you logged off..
Mike Tyson TKO7 Here To FIght

I honestly dont care at all what you think..
Here To FIght TKO2 .TiRiPiLiE.IK.O. These dont look like bums..
Here To FIght TKO1 .TiRiPiLiE.IK.O. I see what your saying..
Here To FIght TKO4 .TiRiPiLiE.IK.O.
Here To FIght TKO1 .TiRiPiLiE.IK.O.
Here To FIght TKO3 .TiRiPiLiE.IK.O.
Here To FIght DRAW12 don
Here To FIght KO1 Red Wine
Here To FIght TKO2 floobie
Here To FIght TKO2 floobie
Here To FIght KO1 don

There are all your fights for the day.. Look at all those top ten... Woo..

Mike Tyson TKO1 serious business
Mike Tyson TKO4 serious business
Mike Tyson KO6 floobie
Mike Tyson TKO3 MoBsTeR
Mike Tyson TKO7 Here To FIght
Mike Tyson TKO4 oscar de la hoya..
Mike Tyson TKO6 Bud Light
Mike Tyson KO7 Larry Holmes ( Retained OBW title)

Im not scared to fight.. And I dont sit on wins..

Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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