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Messages posted by: Bold As Love
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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Geez not even one for Mike Tyson even though my record vs half the people on the lists so far I clearly have the upper hand in our head to head stats.. Im not saying Im top three or any thing.. But I beleive I should be in most of the top 10 list.. But people have different opinions...
He needs to defend against more people than just you usa..As long as he defends it often and against decent opponents there isnt a problem.. But he hasnt been doing that.
Kiken gets the title via a laggy tko.. One in which HTF just let him knock him down the third time.. And now these are the so called title defenses...
Koed USA when he wasnt even moving
Again Koed USA when he wasnt moving

Also got Vargas once in the third round when Vargas suddenly froze..

Does this not seem really F'ing odd to any one else?

Strip this bum.
pj06 wrote:Larry doesnt fight anymore due to champion ducking, hes gettin rusty in his OLD age and any one could ko that fool.

Your an idiot... Larry some times is online on the computer but away.. He isnt always present to accept your challenges.. And he would of beat you down severely any ways.
No that isnt it.. I was just wondering.. I was checking out the rankings and I noticed that.. Since Ive been back.. They havent been kept up.. Im looking forward to fighting you next time I see ya..
What is up with them.. Who is the guy that has the south american.. Does he ever defend.. And the North American Title is vacant can we get this going Mikkel?
rick_james10 wrote:YACOOB IS HERE TO STAY!!!

He is only here till some one makes him mad again and he crosses the line.. Mikkel gave him a warning....Yacoob will cross the line again in the near future.. Then we will see..
Congradulations man... I know it was laggy but it doesnt matter a fight is a fight..

In online lets do this ...
HTF wrote:We will see... I am on right now and so are you lets do it.

Due to the lag issues we had to postpone it.. But I am looking forward to the fights tomorrow..

If you do beat me.. And become superchamp.. I will be the first to congradulate you.
I had the Rhea.. It is about to go down..
Tyrant is like.. Miss O/B 2000 - 2006

He is the face of online boxing..
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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