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Messages posted by: Bold As Love
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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HTF wrote:
Bold As Love wrote:First off those 6 people are always online.. I faught them because they were online. I saw Nigel once this morning.. And before I told Rick the last time I faught him that it was my last fight.. I needed to go to work.. I cant help it that Nigel has Aids on the other hand.. Im a ducker because Rick kept challenging me? I havent seen many "good" people online when I have been on. But keep saying what you want..

What ever you bum

I swear.. If only people worried about them selves.. Most people just try to make sure that the are looking at ever one else... Look at my record for today if you think Im ducking...
First off those 6 people are always online.. I faught them because they were online. I saw Nigel once this morning.. And before I told Rick the last time I faught him that it was my last fight.. I needed to go to work.. I cant help it that Nigel has Aids on the other hand.. Im a ducker because Rick kept challenging me? I havent seen many "good" people online when I have been on. But keep saying what you want..
When every one is online.. As in actually in the boxing applet, We need to let all the boxers know about this forum... So they can take part in the tourney's and here the latest news.. That way we will have more of a turn out for the tourny. Also it will keep them interested in the game and in another year we will have a lot more vets...
Hoo rah... Congrats Unstop.
Mad skillz,

I guess you froze .

I had to leave for work.. I will be on again tommorow.

Series ... 0-0
I vote yes..

Is mikkel still using the same rule?.. All active hofer's need to vote yes for the induction?


Rock on Garth... "waynes world"

Happy B day man

Im not saying this is the best ko ever.. It was just funny ..
Yea.. the slugging is definetly fun Tyrant.. Im adapting to an outside game.. As we speak..

Ive been online.. Geez...

Nice fight
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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