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Messages posted by: Bold As Love
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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Tyrant wrote:
Bold As Love wrote:
Tyrant wrote:
Evander Holyfield wrote:yeah i heard 2day that he is a pretty dominate fighter.. and he has another name called newguy he has 2 names.. that is coool man. i wish i could be like him. but im new for now and ill try making it to the top!

be like yourself...become your own fighter and people will remember you that way...just keep going and going and going until you can't go anymore...


You know I'm just messin'
Flash, is capone, and captain america and naruto.. Im for sure..
Tyrant wrote:
Evander Holyfield wrote:yeah i heard 2day that he is a pretty dominate fighter.. and he has another name called newguy he has 2 names.. that is coool man. i wish i could be like him. but im new for now and ill try making it to the top!

be like yourself...become your own fighter and people will remember you that way...just keep going and going and going until you can't go anymore...

Hey mikkel how is the 3d coming along.. Any thing new to report?

I am excited.. Is there going to be graphics on the shorts.. or different weight classes.. Or high, medium, and low top shoes?... So many questions..

Skillz wrote:nice avatars Mike,Boss

Tyrant wrote:
Bold As Love wrote:
BoXa wrote:
Bold As Love wrote:Check it out.. Hook slider..

7th round about 45 seconds left in the fight. Good ole hard jab followed by two long upper cuts..

nice.but what is more impressive is how your outside game has improved

Thanks.. I've been working on it...

yup, I can definitely speak to really has improved

Thanks Tyrant.
BoXa wrote:
Bold As Love wrote:Check it out.. Hook slider..

7th round about 45 seconds left in the fight. Good ole hard jab followed by two long upper cuts..

nice.but what is more impressive is how your outside game has improved

Thanks.. I've been working on it...

Check it out.. Hook slider..

7th round about 45 seconds left in the fight. Good ole hard jab followed by two long upper cuts..
I so wanted that..
Skip to the 3rd round.... It is the first time Ive done it.. I know people will post that it isnt a good ko.. But I liked it.. And have never done it before.. So please...... Check it out.

50 seconds left in the 3rd round fast forward to it..
Fatny wrote:1. Larry Holmes - whips my ass about every time, can't hit him when he's in "safe mode"
2. HTF - didn't fight him recently but he also whipped my ass about every time
3. Sugarray, Usa, Fatny - win and lose about as much these days
6. Unstoppable
7. jigsaw - unless it's another name for one of those above, knocks me down about every fight and i gotta dig deep to get the decision
8. Boxa
9. Mike Tyson
10. Nigel Benn

*based on the difficulty i have against each

I believe Im getting their against you fatny.. The last fight we had was very close.. You won by one point by two judges... Ill get ya..
WOK wrote:Wow, Is this your way of being included in the top 10? Sad.

Um.. a stern NO.. is the answer to your question... I saw the old post and was wondering what people now feel.. There is a lot more competition now a days.. I could care less who is in there top ten.. I know every one has their own opinions, BUT.. I feel it is an interesting topic to discuss..

And I am interested to see Tyrant's list he has a way with words.. If he were active he would be in my top ten.
What are you guys' current top ten fighters....

1. Here To Fight. - Currently almost unbeatable. great ko's.
2. Larry Holmes. - Still very strong and can adapt to any style.
3. Fatny. - New comer with a difficult style to beat in 12 rounds.
4. Nigel Benn. - Very quick dominate out side and inside great ko's.
5. Mike Tyson. - Stong inside ..working on outside jab.. great ko's.
6. Unstoppable.-Power inside and out.. Almost perfect timing with combos.
7. USA. - Very fast, great combos.. And his name represents USA!
8. Sugarray. - Boxer difficult style .. Counter's people to tko.
9. Fernando Vargas. -Great slugger .Working on outside game.. good ko's.
10. Boxa - True boxer. Has great distance judgment.

Honorable Mention

11. Mad Skillz. - Fast slugger that will smash you to the body till you drop.
12. The boss. - Deserves a mention.. Has had some good victories lately with is unusual style and fast hands.

List the reason's you place people in the top ten... It will make it more interesting.. Please every one take the time to post.
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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