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Messages posted by: Bold As Love
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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He will start to miss the heart beating of a title fight.. Or the pure disgust after a loss via Ko.... It is like a drug.. He has a few steps to go through before he is back though..

1. Denial
2. Withdrawls
3. Sorrow/Anguish
4. Acceptance
5. He's back baby.

So I'm going to go ahead and say welcome back alittle ahead of schedule..
Unstoppable wrote:
Bold As Love wrote:How about this.. Every year or how ever long we decide.. We must come up with 5 different canidates... Maybe people can work their way on to the prospect page as Larry came up with.. Then all of the Hof'ers vote between the canidates to decide who should get in...

Just an Idea.

only problem wit dat mike is that there might not be HOF ready talent every year

If we feel that there isn't HOF talent in the batch of canidates then there will not be an induction.. I think this idea is pretty good..
Good bye and fare well to Tyrant the boxer..


Hello to Tyrant the boxing coach.
How about this.. Every year or how ever long we decide.. We must come up with 5 different canidates... Maybe people can work their way on to the prospect page as Larry came up with.. Then all of the Hof'ers vote between the canidates to decide who should get in...

Just an Idea.
Larry Holmes wrote:My point was actually that you would have to be a ko wrecking machine for years to get in lol.
But maybe there should be an " honorable mention" or "OBHOF prospects" page for those who are getting close.

I like the prospects Idea.
HTF wrote:Suga my old sparring buddy. I am undecided.

Like I said HOFERS lets put our heads together and make some offical guide lines with Mikkel's ok of course. Then we can mention fighters and see if they meet all requirements. If they do then we could move on to voting them.

sounds good.
Mikkel wrote:Tyrant-Mike Tyson (OBW)

Mike Tyson KO5 Tyrant
Mike Tyson KO2 Tyrant

Good fight's Tyrant.
The certain date per year thing isnt a bad Idea... Yes.. All hof'ers have to vote them in.. And Im not for sure there is a boxer out there that would get every ones vote just yet.. In my opinion Sugarray is pretty close.. He has a unique style.

If any Hof'ers that has a specific "rule" or "idea" that might work feel free to pm me.. I would love to give my input in the matter.

The hof induction should be more organized and planned out.. I do agree with that.
Ive seen a few people post them opinion on this subject in a few other topics.. I just wanted to see a brauder view.

List who you think will be next and why..

No Problem..

See ya in the ring.
HTF If I duck the "elite" fighters.. And I faught you 4 times in a row.. What are you saying? And I beat you Two of those times.

The post wasnt even up before you started ducking me USA.. So.. Good try once again.

And I would like to say again. If you guys think that all of you are any different I am just going to start posting on here every time some one says I cant fight Im bout to go to work or brb.
USA wrote:
mogray wrote:He always fights me when I'm on.

no offense dude but u kinda of sux MAYBE THATS Y

And USA.. If I recall correctly I challenged you multiple times the time I saw you online.. But you never accepted so .. Good call. You just kept on getting beat by fatny.
First of all all those times I faught rick james and naruto was in a two day span.. They were the only people online.. They kept on challenging me. So by me accepting those Im a ducker I guess.. I said brb a total of 3 times in the last month so F all of you that have a problem with that.. And If I got on here and posted every time some one didnt give me a shot or said brb It would get really old.. But maybe I should start. That way you guys who supposidly think that Im a ducker can wipe the **** out of your eyes and realize that every one does it ..... But keep on posting about it.. It doesnt bother me..

HTF.. I dont duck you ..

Skills I said I wanted to do a title for title and I couldnt get rated the next day.. Also I havent seen you since the day I gave you a shot.. So STFU.

Tyrant wrote:I suggest that you incorporate a button to the OB interface that leads/links to these forums. Just so that we don't have to tell newbies that there is a forum and it will be easy access for everyone (newbs and vets) with the click of a button.

The link should say.. The boxers forum

Yea.. Hopefully the newbies.. will understand
Before any one else says any thing.. Look at my record... ... And Skills you wanted a shot.. I gave you one.. I was pressed for time but I still gave you one.. So I dont want to hear anthing about it..

And Here To fight.. No more Ducking talk please bro.

I love you all...
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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