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Messages posted by: Bold As Love
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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So who am I fighting for the remaining title.. And when will you be on..
It doesnt matter who I am fighting.. Just get online..
Peace Nigel.
Mike Tyson - 3140 wins - 323 losses - 2775 ko's - 30 draws

Boxer_bot2 - 123 wins - 0 losses - 120 ko's -2 draws

Lennox Lewis - 76 wins - 3 losses - 67 ko's - 0 draws

Evander Holyfield- 76 wins- 3 losses - 73 ko's - 0draws

Jimi Hendrix - 146 wins- 0 losses - 126 ko's - 0 draws

And my very first name.. Some of the stats got lost mikkel said.. But the name was Mickey and I know I had over 1500 wins.. And under 200 losses... Ball park..

All of the names other than Mike Tyson.. Are very old..
So for the most part... A lot of youngins...

For starters-

Im not a ducker... If I have a title all you have to do is challenge me.. I will fight you


I will fight some one regardless of if I win or lose.. Just challenge me the only reason I will not fight some one is if I am about to have to leave. Just test me.. Challenge me. Dont say **** till then..

I dont think I am the best at this game by far...

Just that I have the most skill.....

For god sakes.. I hate losing but I will still say Good fight after every time.. People who dont do that have no room to talk..
P.s.. I love losing
We have such a mixed group of personalities now.. I was wondering how old every one is..

Im 20
what else could we steal from fight nights...
I want my guy to have a sweat band around his head... and glasses...
Why were put back on vacant?
Im not big on the whole title thing.. I just like being ranked high.. And staying consistant.
Im working on my out side game...
Down south...

Since we have a good number of people playing I want to know you guys' Top Ten list..

Here is mine..

Larry Holmes
Nigel Benn
Mike Tyson

I want a list on people skills as of today.
Forum Index » Profile for Bold As Love » Messages posted by Bold As Love
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